curriculum vitae.

For privacy reasons full PDF version of my curriculum vitae is not publicly available here. Feel free to contact me to request a copy.

Work Experience

iOS developer
AppLoad · Stage
March 2024 – May 2024


Master degree
University of Camerino
September 2024 – Current
Field of Study: Computer Science, Software Development & Tecnologies

Bachelor degree
University of Camerino
September 2021 – July 2024
Field of study: Computer Science for Digital Communication
Final mark: 109/110
Thesis: Design and implementation of a binary sessions library in the Swift language

High school diploma
I.T.T. “G. & M. Montani”
September 2016 – June 2021
Field of study: Computer Science
Final mark: 100/100
Thesis: iOS development: the iOS system and the creation of an app

Digital Skills

Language Skills

Communication & interpersonal skills

Teamwork During my studies I worked several times in teams on various projects with my colleagues. In most cases, I also took on the role of project manager.

Keep up to date I follow Apple’s annual developer conferences with great interest, and I visit news websites and technology blogs daily to keep up with what is happening in the world and especially in my field of work.

Personal projects I’m constantly looking for ideas for personal projects to work on in my free time and where I can put myself on the line to improve my skills or learn new ones.

Presentations During my studies I had several times the opportunity to make presentations to illustrate research and projects, intended not only for a school audience but sometimes also for the local press.