“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” - Albert Einstein
The whole world depends on apps today. Every line of code we write feeds and drives the daily lives of millions of people in different ways. That’s why I love developing apps: because they are the fuel of our digital life. As an indie developer, I’m always looking for ideas and inspiration to create new apps and software solutions that can help both people and developers like me.
✏️ Pencil Drawer for SwiftUI

🏝️ Island Alerts for SwiftUI

A Swift package for SwiftUI developers that provides a variety of UI alerts that integrate seamlessly with Dynamic Island on iPhone 14 Pro and the old Notch on other models.
🔍 SF Symbols Picker for SwiftUI

📍 Location Picker for SwiftUI

🛒 GameZen

An iOS client-side app for a board game e-commerce. The app allows a complete customer-seller interaction with registration, catalog consultation, purchase and order tracking.
🗺️ BeCareful

ontology-based app for exoplanet cataloging and classification

As part of the Knowledge Modeling and Management (advanced programming) exam, I developed a Java application that allows astronomy researchers to maintain their own catalog of exoplanets, helping them in their cataloguing and classification. The application relies on a OWL ontology that describes the domain of exoplanet study and research and allows inference of new information such as the classification of planets and their potential habitability.
👩🏻🎓 Youni

🗣️ TScribe - Speech to text

Covid-19 web tracker for Italy

During the quarantine period I studied some online web development and decided to put into practice the acquired skills by developing a website to track the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy. The website makes use of the official data of the Italian Government from GitHub.
cloud storage web service

As a school-work alternation project, some of my colleagues and I created a cloud storage web platform. The application, which includes additional features such as server load statistics and remote controls, is built with basic web technologies such as PHP and jQuery and makes use of the Bootstrap framework for frontend side.