mars rovers spatial computing app for Apple Vision
A small spatial computing application developed for Apple Vision with SwiftUI and RealityKit.
ontology-based Java app for exoplanet cataloging and classification
As part of the Knowledge Modeling and Management (advanced programming) exam project, I developed a Java application that allows astronomy researchers to maintain their own catalog of exoplanets, helping them in their cataloguing and classification. The application relies on a OWL ontology that describes the domain of exoplanet study and research and allows inference of new information such as the classification of planets and their potential habitability.
cultural heritage graphic design project for Camerino
As graphic for digital communication exam project, my colleagues and I developed a cultural heritage visual campaign which aims to valorize the Camerino territory by showing life, art and tradition of the town. The project includes the realization of the visual design with social posts, gadgets and other artifacts like brochures, design and development of a website and creation of a virtual tour and a virtual museum.
ux design of an app to help local commerce
As part of the User eXperience Design exam project, I designed an application that allows local merchants, especially those affected by natural disasters such as the Central Italy earthquake, to advertise their business and products, and consumers to discover these realities and buy offered products with awareness. The design process included the use of typical UX Design tools and techniques such as Lean Canvas, SMART goals, personas and user stories.
new social media campaign for Too Good To Go
As part of the Social Media Management university exam project, my colleagues and I created a new social media campaign for the Too Good To Go service. In particular, we both valued existing features, such as donations to charities like Croce Rossa Italiana, and introduced new tools such as a chatbot called Goody integrated in the Too Good Too Go mobile app and a green tick called Checky to indicate the absence or presence of allergens.
Swift packages
During the summer breaks, I dedicate my free time to developing apps for Apple platforms and Swift packages. In particular in summer 2021 and 2022 I developed a package that provides integrated alerts with the Dynamic Island for SwiftUI, a package for geographical coordinates input in SwiftUI and a package for selecting SF Symbols in SwiftUI. For more details about those packages, check out my developer page.
web series for the University of Camerino
As a project of the Communication and Digital Marketing university exam, some of my colleagues and I created a web series for our university’s communication campaign. The realization, which I supervised as screenwriter and director, included a process of brainstorming, research, context and target analysis, planning and creativity with all the appropriate tools such as benchmarks, briefs and rationales. The final product is available on UNICAM’s Youtube channel and season two is currently in the works.
iOS app for board game e-commerce
As part of my high school final exam project, I built an iOS application for a board game e-commerce store. In addition to the iOS app, the project includes the design and implementation of the server-side database and the APIs for interacting with it.
cloud storage web service
As a school-work alternation project, some of my colleagues and I created a cloud storage web platform. The application, which includes additional features such as server load statistics and remote controls, is built with basic web technologies such as PHP and jQuery and makes use of the Bootstrap framework for the frontend.
Covid-19 web tracker for Italy
During the quarantine period I studied some online web development and decided to put into practice the acquired skills by developing a website to track the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy. The website makes use of the official data of the Italian Government from GitHub.